Bus 62 is currently delayed at Nelson-Wilks-Herron. We are hopeful that the driver will soon be able to continue the route. Thank you.
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Bomber Update: Mrs. Dewey addresses this week's social media threat and shares advice for families and students from Mr. Matt Sutton, the district's School-Based Mental Health Coordinator. https://youtu.be/dxjwW2UbOQ4
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
To our families and community members, Law enforcement agencies have been hard at work on the social media threat issue since it was first reported last night, and now I have been notified that the police department has no evidence to suggest this threat originated locally. While this information does provide some relief, I understand that the original threat post did indicate a date of September 10 for the act of violence. With that in mind, I have decided to excuse student absences again for Tuesday, Sept. 10. However, I want to assure you all that we will have a number of additional safety measures in place tomorrow and in the coming days and weeks. Tomorrow – and then again on numerous other occasions in the near future – you might see open air searches being conducted by K9s. You might also see staff members who serve on the building crisis teams helping to monitor our campuses. There will be additional law enforcement presence on and around our buildings for the next several days. Some of the law enforcement members will be in uniform while others may be in plain clothes. Please keep in mind that as we implement these crisis measures, there might be specific protocols we follow that we do not make public. We will continue to conduct additional security measures behind the scenes in an effort to best protect our students and staff. For now I want to assure you that our local PD will continue to follow up on every lead they receive, so if you have any information that might be helpful to the investigation, please call MHPD at 870-425-6336. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we navigate this challenge. Allyson Dewey
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
MHPS Families, Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this social media threat situation. I’ve told our families before that while I am an educator, I am also a parent, and so when situations like these arise, I look at things through multiple lenses. We all had difficult decisions to make this morning when it came to student attendance. While I am confident that our students on campus are safe today, I do understand those who wanted more information before sending their children to school. At this time I do not know how much information we will learn throughout the day, but I can confidently say that local law enforcement, state police, and the FBI are all involved and are taking this very seriously. You have likely seen similar stories from around the country today, and so of course it is possible that this is just some sort of hoax, spoof, or social media trend. However, while this may be the case, we are treating it as a credible threat that must be investigated thoroughly. I want you to know as a school administrator and as a mom, my heart is with each family. I hope you’ll use this challenging situation as a conversation starter with your kids. I wish we never had to have these conversations, but the reality is that these things do happen, just like last week in Georgia. We have to continue to communicate the gravity of situations like these. Even if this is just a hoax of some sort, there absolutely will be consequences for those responsible, and people who participate in this kind of behavior will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I will continue to update you as I learn more, and I am grateful for your support as we navigate a situation that is completely unacceptable. Thank you, Allyson Dewey
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Bomber Update: Mrs. Dewey discusses some important information ahead of tonight's football game in Harrison, and she's joined by two local celebrities! https://youtu.be/DyEX_c6tPDU
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Don't miss this Bomber Update featuring two special guests! https://youtu.be/sad5DHMIL_g
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
No school on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day.
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
no school monday in observance of Labor Day
We're doing some simple dress up days at all grade levels next week for BEAT HARRISON WEEK! Here's the list! All are welcome to participate!
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
decorative image
Bomber Update: Mrs. Dewey discusses Week 1, tonight's Bomberfest event, and shares some first day pictures submitted by our families! https://youtu.be/781dM2MoeEM
5 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Sixth grade science students at Pinkston Middle School will work together all year on laboratory experiences, so their teachers always starts the year with some collaborative team-building activities. These activities promote working well together, developing new relationships, and building trust with one another.
5 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
kids doing team building activiites
kids doing team building activiites
kids doing team building activiites
kids doing team building activiites
kids doing team building activiites
kids doing team building activiites
The art teachers at Mountain Home Public Schools are continuing a tradition that started years ago with Mrs. Beth Ivens, a retired art teacher legend. Each summer, prior to the beginning of the school year, all of the district art teachers submit a personal artwork to be displayed in the lobby of Dunbar Auditorium. Every couple months the works will be replaced by artwork from student artists across the school district. Pictured: Mrs. Libby Posey (Pinkston Middle School), Mrs. Isabella Phares (Nelson-Wilks-Herron), Mrs. Christy Lawrence (Mountain Home High School), Mr. Steve Hargett (Mountain Home High School), Mrs. Dora Norcross (Hackler Intermediate School), Mrs. Leeanne Jackson (Hackler Intermediate School), and Mrs. Tilda Helgesson (Mountain Home Junior High).
5 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
art teachers with wall of artwork
Don't miss these special treats at Bomberfest on 8/23! 50% of proceeds go to MHPS Special Olympic Athletes!
5 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
coming to bomberfest 2024 fried pies, funnel cake, lemonade, iced coffee -- proceeds go to special olympics
A couple quick reminders for our families as we head into an exciting new school year! Following Mrs. Dewey's updates, you'll see some familiar faces share about what it means to be a Bomber! https://youtu.be/QaVfOkvlM-A
5 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
We hear that our very own Mr. Rick (paraprofessional and ASL interpreter) is teaching this course. Could be a valuable learning experience for kids or families!
5 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
ASL class at ASUMH aug 20 to october 8 from 6:30-7:30 on Tuesdays in the ORAC room.
Some updates from the Transportation Department. Please call them at 425-1240 if you have any questions! Ty Star Station Bus 61 AM Bus 43 PM AM pick up is at 6:45am this is earlier than last year 34/43 is a combine route bus Student on CR 614 and CR 604 must come to 201 S. CR 1073 and CR 1076 must come to County road 57 Additional Combined routes: 63/33 46/27 Pioneer Trail is now on Bus 52 Library bus is Bus 45 Mountain Station students are now on bus 28 Apartment bus 25 will pick up at the following places: Arrowhead Apts Mtn Village/Freedom's Landing (name change) 203 S. Cardinal apartments North Star Apartments Valley Estates
5 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Attention Bomber Families: school supplies (besides backpacks and lunch boxes) are provided again this year!
6 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
school supplies provided
Are you interested in sponsoring a local child's early literacy? Here's some good information about how you can do that!
6 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
sponsprship form
It's time to fill out your child's Free/Reduced Meal Application! Here's a link to our Food Service webpage where you can fill out a digital form or download a paper copy. Every year we have families who are surprised they qualify, so please take a moment to fill this out. https://www.mhbombers.com/page/food-service
6 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Several of our school counselors attended the ARSCA Conference this week for LOTS of learning!
6 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
school counselors
A fun family activity at the Baxter County Library!
7 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
library mini golf fundraiser thursday june 20 inside the library. tickets are $5